Friday, August 29, 2008

Prayers still needed

This is the update from Davis's mom, Lona.
Hello everyone! Davis is stable tonight and his blood gases have all been pretty good since the incidents. He has a hyperinflated lung, which means that his lung is over inflated. There are lots of things that can cause a lung to hyperinflate, but it can cause lots of problems, so they are focused on getting his lung to come back to it's normal size. Dr. Thomas came in to see Davis this morning, and we missed him because we overslept (we hadn't slept in like 2 days!) but he discussed what he wants to try to help Davis's hyperinflated lung. He wants to paralyze Davis for 24 hours to see if the vent can clear the excess air. He is getting pavulon every hour or so to keep him paralyzed and still getting sedation to keep him calm and sleeping. They are watching everything very carefully and he is with Leslie tonight. His fluid is coming off a bit now that his chloride is around 98 so the lasix is working again finally. His secretions are thinning out so hopefully that means that the pseudomonas is clearing up some. Right now, he is on TPN and IV fluids because they don't want to restart his feeds just yet. His blood gases tonight was 7.45 with a co2 of 42.5 which is awesome, but of course the pavulon doesn't allow him to have any control over his lungs so the vent can do it's job. He is still pretty critical guys.... we came very close the other day, but we made it through. We will make it through this, one day at a time. As for the next few days, Gustav is looking to pay a visit right up our bums. For all my out of town friends who read the page, the track tonight has it pointing right at us, hopefully the track keeps shifting because we DO NOT need another major hurricane around here. As of now, the plan is for Jared to stay at home to protect the property and kitty cats and I will go stay with Davis in Baton Rouge. We will have to plan carefully because trying to get to Baton Rouge won't be easy with evacuations. I'll keep everyone posted... good night all....

I would also ask that ya'll pray for one of my youth kids. He is only 11 and has expressed the desire to kill himself. He is now in a mental healthcare facility. This young man has just recently started attending youth (just barely old enough). He lost both of his granparents this year (within 3 months of one another). They were his stability. His father is an alcoholic and losing his parents has sent him into a tailspin. His mom is not very stable either. I pray that this young man will receive the help he needs!

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