Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sunday at Petit Jean

As usual we woke up at the butt crack of dawn. (When did we get so old that 7:30 is sleeping in?????) Anyway Dale gets up around 6:15, so YEAH! we can go watch the sunrise from the overlook at Petit Jean's grave. New camera in hand, and out the door. Whoa....what's with all this haze and fog? There is no way we're going to actually see the sun rise. Oh well, we're up and out let's keep going.

Arrive at the overlook at approximately 7:05. According to all the others there (and there was a crowd in my opinion) sunrise was expected at 7:11. At 7:08 realize that my camera batteries are dead. Where are the spares? That's right the room. Where's Dales handy camera phone? That's right the room.

At 7:12 the two guys from Louisiana head to the car to head home. About the time the get their car started the first edge of the sun appears. Hopefully they could see it as they drove down the mountain. Thankfully one of the many folks watching the sun rise gave me her email address to get a couple of pics.

Off on an adventure down "Red Bluff Drive". The last time we were here was 22 years ago. That fall we came up for a picnic. I remember a beautiful, romantic fall day. What does Dale remember? He remembers that KFC left out our plasticware so we had to use the plastic lids as a scoop for our slaw & potatos. Oh well, at least he remembers the day. Some random shots from the drive. Quite beautiful.

Dale in front of the Turtle Rocks. These are way cool!

We decided to walk along the trail to the Falls Overlook and the Rock House Cave. We were told by one young hiker that it wasn't hard and just right down there. YEAH RIGHT!!!! Not hard if you're part mountain goat. After walking for quite a ways. I came to the end of my line. The trail seemed to go straight down. I handed the camera down to Dale and he carried forward. Across the valley we can see another overlook (more on that later). Dale did a good job getting some pics of the falls. Of course the one with the red post showing in the corner was taken ouside the "safety zone". A few more gray hairs on my head!

The Cave was really neat!

This looked like a giant piece of driftwood to me. To much Dauphin Island on the brain.

These shots are from the "other" Falls overlook. Which is at the end of giant wheelchair accessible ramp. Boy did we laugh our butts off. Seriously, Dale sacrifaced a lot to get those other water shots and here were clear, unobstructed views of the falls. Typical.

See Dale's platform across the valley?

A zoomed in shot. LOL

These rocks are made up of fossilized trees. They are so cool!

Bill Clinton's old mustang at the Car Museum. (Which overall was a disappointment).

More pics from the "sunrise" bluff. Yes, that is my husband the billy goat out on that rock in the distance.

I had to take a picture of our door for Yaya! She just got back from Greece. Her pictures of doors were much cooler!

We really didn't have sunset per se on Sunday. But we did have quite a show. These pics show the clouds & the sun as the moved across the valley. On Dauphin Island they were toasting to "Arkansas Fats - Eric Weiland" and "The Breadman - Tommy Sands". We did the same here at the mountain.

As I watched the clouds move across the valley it was neat to see how places went from "darkness" to "light". On the ground I'm sure the effect was not as neat. The couldn't see the light moving towards them. I guess that's how our lives are as well. Sometimes we just see the clouds, and do not see those rays of sunshine moving towards us.

Today I'll leave with the 23rd Psalm (New Living Translation)

A psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
3 He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
4 Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
5 You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever and ever

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